Geeks - Pilot (2014)

'GEEKS' is a completely original pilot created, written and directed by multi-award-winning UK director Al White and it features a team of passionate, talented actresses and actors including Naomi Kyle, Shannon Hollander, India Wadsworth, Achara Kirk and Ryan Keely. It takes place in the sun-bleached environments of Southern California and introduces us to four nerdy girls who are the best of friends but hold onto a deadly secret - They are Bounty Hunters. When they discover that an old enemy has been let out of prison, their lives are thrown into an adrenaline-fueled race to reach their buried past first and nothing can stand in their way. But this is no game. And revenge is coming.







Director: Al White

Production Company: Bokeh Pictures





SoundNode: Audio Post Production, Dialogue Editing, Sound FX, Sound Design, Dubbing Mix


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